Category: Updates

  • A New Job

    Well this certainly does nothing to help me get out of the rat race but it does keep a roof over our heads and food on our table. I decided that I would take the severance from the company I currently work for rather than let them give me a pay cut or more responsibility…

  • Job Update

    I hate making entries like this because I feel like I’m adding nothing of real value to my readers lives. On the other hand this website is supposed to chronicle my journey in life. So apparently I won’t find out for another week and a half whether or not I still have a job with…

  • I’ve Been Eliminated

    Well it seems that once again I am being kicked around by the greed mongers who run the rat race. I found out on last Friday that as of June 26th my position is being eliminated, along with many other positions. The company has provided three possible outcomes for myself and the thousands of other…

  • Job Training

    As I said in my previous entry there was a secondary reason why I hadn’t been around for quite some time. With my new job I was in a different state for a month doing job training. After searching for and applying to and interviewing for new jobs for an entire year I finally got…

  • A Major Computer Failure

    So it’s been quite sometime since I’ve posted again. But this time I’ve got a good excuse. Well actually a couple good excuses but I’ll get to the other one in the next post. The first reason was that back in January I had a major computer failure and through many trials and tribulations I…

  • A New Job

    Well it really doesn’t have too much to do with my pursuit of self-employment but I got a new job. Finally after 5 and a half years of working for a soul sucking employer, I have found a new better paying job. But along with better pay comes working more hours. Working more hours could definitely hinder…