Category: Updates

  • The Chicks Have Arrived

    I finally got my peeps yesterday, eight Buff Orpington chickens. They all appear to be healthy and are pretty fun to watch. Our son really likes watching them too. Now comes the hard part, I’ve actually got to build the coop. Once I get started on it, I will post pictures of the design and…

  • Welcome To My New Website

    For those of you who have found this website through links on various websites  or through search engines, welcome and  I hope you stick around for a bit and enjoy the articles I’ve written. If you’ve come here from one of my other websites then much of the content here is already familiar to you.…

  • Getting Organized

    I’m just beginning to put this new website together. So bear with me as I gather all of my articles from my various sites into one. You could say I’m downsizing a bit but really becoming a much more efficient machine in the process.

  • Vacation

    Next week I’ll be taking a vacation from work for the first time in a year. Changing jobs a couple times during the past year has kept me from being able to take any amount of time off of work so this is a much needed break. My family and I will be taking a…

  • I’m Back! And On My Cable Connection

    This has certainly been the biggest posting gap ever in the history of this blog and I sincerely apologize. My dialup internet connection was almost unusable for the last several weeks and I think somewhere in my sub-concious I just didn’t want to deal with trying to be productive on dialup anymore knowing that highspeed…

  • Chapter One Complete

    I do 90% of my writing on my lunch breaks at work using a bluetooth keyboard paired with my smart phone. Tonight though I’m sitting up in bed writing late at night. I’ve gotten only about 6 hours of sleep in the last 48 hours but I needed to stay up and do this. After…