Category: Self-Reliance
Music, Moving, and Self-reliance
Things are about to change drastically in my life. It’s a good change I believe, though I’m sure that there will be something of an adjustment period. The change I speak of is that my family and I are moving about 60 miles away due to a job promotion. The promotion is a good thing…
I am a Musician and a Writer
I am a Musician and a Writer. It’s who I am. I work in retail management. It’s what I do for a living but it is not who I am. This is an important distinction that I need to keep clear in my mind at all times. For the sake of the well being of…
The Year of Breaking Free
Each year when the calendar changes over I get an idea in my head of a theme for the year for myself. I don’t know what spawns the idea or why each theme is what it is, but it’s usually pretty accurate for the year that unfolds. In 2006, I got the idea that it…
Toasti Toes to the Rescue
It was a cold and windy day in early January when I got a call from my wife. “The sink is backed up and water is shooting everywhere out of the washer,” she said in a frustrated tone. Being the wise husband that I am I left work early to go home to my wife’s…
The Chicken Coop
I have finished major construction on the chicken coop, which means that there are some smaller details that need completed but it’s finished enough for the chickens to move in. In case any of my readers are interested in building their own coop, I wanted to give a step by step of how I made…
The Chicks Have Arrived
I finally got my peeps yesterday, eight Buff Orpington chickens. They all appear to be healthy and are pretty fun to watch. Our son really likes watching them too. Now comes the hard part, I’ve actually got to build the coop. Once I get started on it, I will post pictures of the design and…