Category: Writing

  • Chapter One Complete

    I do 90% of my writing on my lunch breaks at work using a bluetooth keyboard paired with my smart phone. Tonight though I’m sitting up in bed writing late at night. I’ve gotten only about 6 hours of sleep in the last 48 hours but I needed to stay up and do this. After…

  • A Disciplined Approach to Writing

    The funny thing about the title to this article is that as I sat down to write the article, I really didn’t feel much like writing. Sometimes that is what it’s like when you are an aspiring writer though, you need to write as time permits and sometimes that means writing when you aren’t in…

  • Bluetooth Keyboard Works Like A Charm

    Well unlike the lackluster experience I’ve had with my MiniSD Wi-Fi card, my bluetooth keyboard from iGo is really a great addition to my smartphone. I can spend my lunch breaks typing blog posts or working on my novels. Not having much else to do on lunch, other than eat anyway, gives me an amount…