Category: Personal Growth

  • Trimming the Fat, Even if it Hurts

    The entrepreneurial minded often have the problem of having many more ideas than they could possibly pursue. I have this problem myself. I am constantly thinking up ideas for new business ventures, songs, stories, and inventions. I would have to say that 95% of these ideas never come to fruition for a couple of reasons.…

  • Ask And Ye Shall Receive

    I can’t count the number of times that I’ve had customers ask me to give them my employee discount. I find this request to be quite rude for a number of reasons. One being that it implies that there is some level of kinship between myself and the customer when in fact their request has…

  • Playing With Time Optimization

    Something that I keep running into in financial books and self-help books and also on a few websites is the idea of limiting the amount of time you spend checking email each day. Specifically the book I’m reading at this moment suggests limiting time spent on email to twice a day and then cut back…