• End of Season Gardening Recap

    My perpetually inconsistent pursuit of self-sufficiency in regards to food yielded some mixed results this year. Our lasagna gardening was a spectacular failure. The idea of lasagna gardening is that you place a layer of cardboard over the area you want your garden to be and then layer compost, peat moss, manure, and whatever else…

  • The Cable Man Cometh

    I reported a couple weeks ago that Comcast had told me they were coming to install cable finally after years of me being stuck on dialup. Then only to have my hopes dashed for the most part by the installer telling me that the survey must not have actually been done or he wouldn’t have…

  • Be Still

    The other day I was spending some time with my son outside, he was playing in the yard while I watched him from the porch. The sun was setting and as I looked into the sky in front of me I could see the mostly full moon between the branches of two trees. A thought…

  • Skinnyband Internet

    Have you ever wanted to reminisce about what it was like to use the internet in 1994? Well come to my house and you’ll find out. I moved out to the country four and a half years ago and have been relegated to using dial-up internet ever since then. Crappy dial-up internet at that. These…

  • Create an Activity Calendar

    Something that retail corporations (and probably other corporations too) are fond of doing is creating Activity Calendars for the store locations to follow. It may be called by different names at different companies but the purpose is always the same: It’s a list of things that “need” done on a specific day sometimes by a…

  • Reclaiming My Rhythm

    It’s been a month now since I started my new job and during that time period I’ve been completely out of rhythm with my writing, music, and tasks around the house. This is partially due to having to adjust to a new schedule and partially due to some circumstances beyond my control. But if I’m…

Got any book recommendations?