• Writing Fiction for Love and Money

    I know that to some of my less regular readers, a topic like this one might seem a bit off topic for this blog, however writing is a means by which I would love to someday facilitate my exit from the rat race. I’ve read a couple books on the subject of writing now and…

  • Godzilla, Don’t Eat Me

    It’s been far too long since I have released any new music and I thought it was time to change that. So today I released a song titled “Godzilla, Don’t Eat Me” and you can download it for free at my MySpace page. It’s a quirky pop/rock song that sounds more like my old band…

  • The Grand Path of Your Life

    There is a bit of a recurring theme in this blog’s short history of articles about productivity and following your dreams. The reason that these kind of articles show up from time to time is that I often find myself needing reminded of them. During these last few weeks while I’ve been only marginally connected…

  • How Will You Be Paying for That?

    There I was in the express checkout at Wal-Mart. 10 Items or Less. In front of me in line was a middle-aged woman who waited until all her items were scanned and then pulled out her checkbook. Meticulously wrote the information down in the check register and then began filling out the check. Meanwhile the…

  • Energy Independence for the Masses

    Okay I need someone to explain something to me. Why are all the democrats insistent on keeping oil prices high through hindering more US drilling and instead Barack Obama and many of the others want to industrialize all of our open land with wind farms and vast solar arrays? And all the while trying to…

  • I’m Back! And On My Cable Connection

    This has certainly been the biggest posting gap ever in the history of this blog and I sincerely apologize. My dialup internet connection was almost unusable for the last several weeks and I think somewhere in my sub-concious I just didn’t want to deal with trying to be productive on dialup anymore knowing that highspeed…

Got any book recommendations?