Month: April 2008

  • A Primer In Search Engine Optimization, Part 2

    If you have followed the advice I gave you in part one then by now your page should be set up correctly to fully take advantage of the targeted keywords that we chose. After all of the effort you put into making your page ready, you may be surprised to learn that your onpage optimization…

  • A Primer In Search Engine Optimization, Part 1

    For many people today that hope to work from home, starting an online business looks like the way to do it and for good reason. The continued growth of internet commerce and the extremely small investment compared to other business endeavors is what drives people to try this route. Someone once approached me about making…

  • Know Your Customers

    I don’t change my own oil. Oil changes are so low cost that I don’t feel that its worth my time to do my self. Also I don’t feel like having to dispose of the old oil. Most of the time I simply go to Wal-Mart for an oil change and grab some groceries while…

  • Helpful Self-Help Books

    I recently asked myself a question: If self-help books actually help people then why are there so many of them? I believe that there are two main reasons why there is a never ending stream of self-help books dealing with finance, fitness, relationships, spirituality and so on. The first reason is that what these books…

  • Ask And Ye Shall Receive

    I can’t count the number of times that I’ve had customers ask me to give them my employee discount. I find this request to be quite rude for a number of reasons. One being that it implies that there is some level of kinship between myself and the customer when in fact their request has…

  • Spring Planting

    Well the time has finally come for us to do our spring planting and it’s not a moment too soon. I think we started our plants indoors a week or two earlier than we should have. They’ve gotten quite large in their little peat pellets. Our lasagna gardening that I had mentioned in a previous…